Arts Leadership Award Program

Denny Stein and Mary Bobik

Representing Alameda County Supervisorial District One —

Denny Stein and Mary Bobik of Fremont, working as co-leaders of the Fremont Art Association, Denny Stein is the president and Mary Bobik is the vice-president and gallery director. The Fremont Art Association operates as the oldest cooperative art gallery, working studio, and shop in Fremont. The Association presents monthly artist demonstrations, feature artist showcases, annual events, and art classes for all ages and provides the opportunity for community members to create and appreciate art in a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. Fremont Art Association has over 150 active members from throughout Fremont and the surrounding areas in Alameda County. Denny and Mary work together as a dedicated and effective team enriching the lives of the community members of Fremont and Alameda County. Additionally, Denny served as president of the board of directors of the Child, Family & Community Services organization, and Mary is a volunteer at Don Edwards S.F. Bay National Wildlife Refuge located in Fremont.